Benefits of joining CIGRE

Benefits of joining CIGRE

WELCOME TO CIGRE – everything you need to know about CIGRE can be found in this information booklet here

CIGRE Membership benefits are listed below. Further information can be found in the Member section of the CIGRE Head Office website.

  • Free supply of ELECTRA Journal [A bilingual (French/English) magazine issued every two months. It publishes the results of work performed by CIGRE Study Committees and gives information on the life of the Association]
  • Reduced registration fees for Sessions and Symposia.
  • Session Papers and Proceedings available free of charge for Delegates.
  • Symposium Papers available at member price (- 50%).
  • Technical Brochures and other Reports at a preferential price, or free of charge when downloaded from CIGRE on-line Bookstore.
  • A Membership Directory, free of charge, which is a link between members and is an essential tool for contacts.
  • Updated Information about CIGRÉ International and other Meetings of interest for.
  • Knowledge, Expertise development
    1. Benefit from mutual experience, up date on changing industry environment
    2. Access to major utilities, manufacturers, consultantsand research institutes in the field of the electrical power industry
    3. Working groups bringing together a combination oftechnical, commercial and managerial expertise.
  • Global increase of brand awareness, opportunity to improve the company’s image abroad, benchmark the company’s practices
  • Influence international regulations, developments and adoption of new technologies

CIGRE Irish NC also circulates updates to members on the activities of its Study Committee members and also organises national event/conferences (see News/Events page for forthcoming events)